False Friends
Translate … | Is it.. ? | But that means … | You need .. |
adult | adulto? | adultery | plenkreskulo, adolto |
xyz | xyz? | xyz | xyz |
affect | afekti? | put on airs, feign | influi, tuŝi, emocii |
agony | agonio? | death throes | dolorego, angoro |
axe | akso? | axle | hakilo; toporo; adzo; pioĉo |
axle | akselo? | armpit; axil (of plant) | akso |
actual | aktuala? | present-day, topical | efektiva |
accurate | akurata? | punctual, prompt | preciza; ekzakta |
apology | apologio? | formal defence | pardonpeto |
apply (for job) | apliki? | apply (technique) | peti, sin proponi |
argument | argumento? | reasoned debating point | disputo |
ass | aso? | ace, one spot | azeno; postaĵo; stultulo |
attend | atendi? | wait; await | ĉeesti; prizorgi; vizitadi |
aŭditor | aŭditoro? | high legal official (some lands) | (kont)revizoro / kontrolisto |
avert | averti? | warn, admonish | eviti, forturni, malebligi |
azure | aĵura? | perforated, holed (cloth, material) | lazura |
Translate … | Is it.. ? | But that means … | You need .. |
balance (an account) | balanci? | balance, rock to and fro | bilanci |
ball (for play) | balo? | dance, ball | pilko; bulo |
ban, forbid | bani? | bathe | malpermesi |
bark (of dog)bark (of tree) | barko? | barque, boat | bojoŝelo (de arbo) |
bed | bedo? | bed (for plants) | lito (for sleeping) |
bend (vb) | bendi? | (bind with) tape | fleksi, fleksiĝi |
bend (in road) | bendo? | tape; band of material | kurbiĝo |
bend (down) | bendi? | (bind with) tape | kliniĝi, klini |
blank | blanka? | white | senenhava |
brass | braso? | brace, guy rope | latuno |
brow (of hill) | brovo? | (eye)brow | kresto |
bud | budo? | booth, stall | burĝono |
brow(forehead) | brovo? | (eye) brow | frunto |
book | buko? | buckle | libro |
bull (animal) | bulo? | roundish lump, clod | virbovo, taŭro |
bulb (electric) | bulbo? | bulb (plant) | ampolo |
bulk | bulko? | bread roll | amplekso, maso |
Translate … | Is it.. ? | But that means … | You need .. |
cell | celo? | target; goal | ĉelo (in body), karcero (prison) |
dam | damo? | lady; queen card | digo, baraĵo |
debit | debito? | ready sale | debeto |
defile | defili? | march pass | makuli, malpurigi |
demand | demandi? | ask question | postuli |
demonstrate (mass protest) | demonstr(aci)i? | prove, show | manifestacii |
device | devizo? | motto; foreign exchange | aparato, rimedo |
damage | damaĝo? | defect (to) | neperfektaĵo; transiri al difekti |
dig (spade) | digi? | dam, dike | fosi |
dog | dogo? | mastiff | hundo |
dome | domo? | house, building | kupolo |
dot | doto? | dowry | punkto |
drag | dragi? | dredge | treni |
dress | dresi? | train (animal) | vesti (sin); pansi (wound) |
drink | drinki? | booze heavily | trinki |
drive | drivi? drajvi? | drift; drive (golf) | peli; konduki |
dung | ? | hiring, employment | fekaĵo, sterko |
Translate … | Is it.. ? | But that means … | You need .. |
effective | efektiva? | actual, real | efika |
eventual | eventuala? | contingent, possible | fina, rezulta |
fabric | fabriko? | factory | ŝtofo, teksaĵo |
fag | fago? | beech | peno; stumpo |
farm | farmo? | lease to cultivate land | (farm)bieno |
fart | farti? | fare, be in a state of health | furzi |
fatal | fatala? | unlucky, ill-starred | mortiga |
fen | feno? | hot dry wind (e.g. in Alps) | marĉejo |
flake | flako? | puddle | floko |
flan | flano? | thin round bake, dropscone, pie | torto |
floor | floro? | flower | planko |
floss, down | floso? | floss | lanugo |
fold | foldo? | groove, slot | faldo |
forest? | foresto ? | absence | arbar(eg)o |
fort | forto? | force | fuorto |
fossile | fosilo? | digging tool, spade | fosilio |
frase | frazo? | sentence (grammatical) | frazero, vortgrupo |
fuck (vulgar) | fuko? | bladder-wrack seaweed | fiko (triviala) |
fume | fumo? | smoke | haladzo |
fund | fundo ? | bottom | fonduso |
fur | furo? | ferret | pelto; felo |
Translate … | Is it.. ? | But that means … | You need .. |
game | gamo? | musical scale | ludo |
garb | garbo? | sheaf (e.g. of corn) | vestoj |
gent | gento? | ethnic group | ĝentilhomo, sinjoro |
gay, happy | geja? | homosexual | gaja (happy) |
gymnasium | gimnazio? | grammar school | gimnastikejo |
gypsy | gipso? | builder’s plaster | cigano |
glass (material) | glaso? | tumbler, glass | vitro (materialo) |
graph | grafo? | count, earl | grafikaĵo |
grand, imposing | granda? | big, large | luksa, grandioza |
grass | graso? | fat, grease | herbo, greso |
grate | grati? | scratch | raspi; grinci |
gratify | gratikifi? | tip | kontentigi |
grill | grilo? | cricket (insect) | krado; kradrosti |
grip | gripo? | influenza | firmteno; valizo |
gross (12×12) | groso? | gooseberry | groco |
gull | gulo? | wolverine | mevo |
gourd | gurdo? | barrel organ | kalabaso |
gust | gusto? | taste | vervo, elano |
gut | guto? | drop (e.g. of water) | intesto; kuraĝo |
gem (jewel) | ĝemo? | groan, moan | gemo |
gentle | ĝentila? | polite | milda |
just (fair) | ĝusta? | correct, right | justa |
hail, greet | hajli? | rain hailstones | saluti, alvoki |
hiss | hisi? | hoist, run up (e.g. sail) | sibli |
home | homo? | human being | hejmo |
haunt | honti? | be ashamed | hanti |
hub | hubo? | croft, hide of land | nabo |
hull (of boat) | hulo? | swell (e.g. sea), surge | kareno |
human | humana? | humane | homa |
image | imago? | imagination | figuro, bildo |
Translate … | Is it.. ? | But that means … | You need .. |
impose | impozi? | no such word | trudi; devigi |
instance | instanco? | competent authority | ekzemplo; okazo |
interfere | interferi? | act reciprocally (light waves) | sin trudi, entrudiĝi |
canopy | kanopo? | not a word | baldakeno |
cap (for heads/bottles) | kapo? | head | ĉapo |
caravan | karavano? | caravan, travel party | ruldomo |
card | kardo? | thistle | karto |
cart | karto? | card; map; menu | ĉaro |
castor | kastoro? | beaver | rulilo (furniture wheel) |
cave | kavo? | cavity, hollow | kaverno |
cell(battery) | celo? | target, aim | pilo (baterio) |
valour | valoro? | value | kuraĝo, braveco |
clink | klinko? | (door) latch | tinto (brueto) |
coke (fuel) | koko? | cock (fowl) | koakso |
coil | kojlo? | large intestine, colon | spiralo, volvaĵo |
coin | kojno? | wedge, chock | monero |
cox, helmsman | kokso? | hip | stiristo (boata) |
colon | kolono? | column, pillar | dupunkto; kojlo |
concur | konkuri? | compete | konsenti, samopinii |
counter | kontoro? | office (e.g. of factory ) | giĉeto, vendotablo |
control | kontroli? | check, verify | regi, komandi |
convenient | konvena? | suitable, appropriate | oportuna |
cord | kordo? | string (of musical instrument); anatomical cord | ŝnuro |
corn | korno? | horn | greno; kalo (callus) |
cot | koto? | mud | liteto, bebolito |
crank | kranko? | starting handle, crank handle | strangulo; plendemulo |
credible | kredebla? | likely, plausible | kredinda |
crisp (potato) | krispo? | ruffle, frill | terpomfloko |
crop, harvest | kropo? | crop ( of bird) | rikolto |
curious, inquisitive | kurioza? | exciting interest, out of the usual | scivol(em)a |
curt | kurta? | short | abrupta |
Translate … | Is it.. ? | But that means … | You need .. |
lad | lado? | sheet metal | junulo |
laugh | lafo? | lava | rido |
lake | lako? | varnish, lacquer | lago |
lax | laksa? | diarrhoeal | malstrikta, mola |
lane | lano? | wool | vojeto; koridoro (traffic) |
lap | lapo? | burdock | rondiro (of race); sino (of body) |
lard | lardo? | bacon | porkograso |
Lent | lento? | lentil | Karesmo |
libel | libelo? | dragonfly | kalumnio |
lice | liceo? | secondary school | pedikoj |
like | liki? | leak | plaĉi, ŝati; simila |
link | linko? | lynx | ligo, ligilo; ĉenero |
luck | luko? | skylight, porthole | ŝanco, sorto; hazardo |
locust | lokusto? | grasshopper | akrido |
magazine | magazeno? | large shop, store | gazeto |
man | mano? | hand | viro |
marmalade | marmelado? | jams (of all kinds) | oranĝa marmelado |
medicine | medicino? | medical science | medikamento |
mend | mendi? | order goods | ripari |
market (place) | marketo?merkato? | a little markmarket, demand & supply | vendejo, bazaro |
mess | meso? | mass | malordo, konfuzo |
mile | milo? | a thousand | mejlo |
mire | miro? | wonder | koto; marĉo |
mole | molo?moleo? | softnessbreakwater | talpo (animal); lentugo (spot) |
mosque | mosko? | musk (odour) | moskeo |
must (of wine) | musto? | not a word! | mosto, grape juice |
motivate | motivi? | justify (action) | instigi |
muck | muko? | mucus; phlegm | koto; sterko |
musk (odour) | musko? | moss (class of plants) | mosko |
Translate … | Is it.. ? | But that means … | You need .. |
net | neto? | fair copy, clean copy | reto |
novel | novelo? | short story, novella | romano |
nun | nuno? | present time | monakino |
offer | oferi? | sacrifice, offer up | proponi; oferti (bid, tender) |
pile | pajlo? | straw | amaso |
palm treepalm (of hand) | palmo?palmo? | palm treenot body part | palmomanplato, polmo |
pan | pano? | bread; loaf | pato (frying) |
pap | papo? | pope | kaĉo (mush); cico (nipple) |
parcel | parcelo? | plot of land, allotment | pako, pakaĵo |
parent | parenco? | relative, family relation | gepatro |
pastel (crayon) | pastelo? | pastille (sweet or pill) | paŝtelo |
pause | paŭsi? | trace (by tracing paper) | paŭzi, heziti |
Translate … |
Is it.. ? |
But that means … |
You need .. |
peg |
pego? |
woodpecker |
kejlo; stifto (metal pin) |
peck |
peki? |
sin |
beki |
pen |
peno? |
effort, endeavour |
enfermejo; plumo |
pension |
pensiono? |
boarding house / school |
pensio (in retirement) |
perk, addition |
perko? |
perch (fish) |
kromprofito, kromprivilegio |
pest (nuisance) |
pesto? |
deadly epidemic disease |
trudbesto; ĝenulo |
pet, caress |
peti? |
request, ask for |
dorloti (pamper); karesi |
petrol |
petrolo? |
mineral oil, petroleum |
benzino |
pitch |
piĉo |
female genitalia, cunt |
peĉo; asfalto; sonalto; ĵeto;ludkampo; vendloko |
pig |
pigo |
magpie |
porko; ferbriko |
pick |
piki |
prick, sting |
elekti; pluki (flower); kolekti |
pile |
pilo |
battery cell |
amaso; vilo (carpet);piliero |
pimp |
pimp |
smart, spruce |
prostituita |
plank |
planko |
floor |
tabulo |
plastic |
plastiko |
moulding, plastic art |
plasto (material) |
plaster (builder’s) |
plastro |
plaster (dressing) |
gipso |
plate |
pleto |
tray |
telero; plado (dish, course) |
plot |
ploto |
roach (fish) |
komploto; intrigo (story) |
plumb |
plumba |
lead, made of lead |
vertikala |
poĉi |
poach (an egg) |
poach |
ŝtelĉasi |
popo |
priest (orthodox) |
pop |
eksplodeto, krevo, knalo |
pramo |
ferry boat |
pram |
infanveturilo |
presi |
press |
premi |
provi |
try, test |
prove |
pruvi |
pruno |
plum |
prune |
sekpruno |
pubo |
pubes |
pub |
trinkejo, taverno |
pulo |
flea |
pull |
tiro |
puno |
punishment |
pun |
vortludo |
punto |
lace |
punt |
prameto, stangboato |
pupo |
doll |
pup |
hundido; ido |
rajpi |
seize up (of engines) |
ripen |
maturiĝi, maturigi |
Translate … |
Is it.. ? |
But that means … |
You need .. |
raketo |
rocket |
racket |
rakedo; bruego |
ravi |
delight, enthrall |
rave |
deliri; furiozi (of storm) |
redakcio |
editorial department |
redaction |
redaktado, redaktaĵo |
referi |
make scientific report |
refer |
aludi; resendi; referenci |
reflektoro |
headlight (e.g. of car) |
reflector |
reflektilo |
reko |
horizontal bars (in gym) |
wreck |
vrako (e.g. ship, plane) |
rento |
(unearned) income |
rent |
luprezo, lupago |
resti |
remain |
rest |
ripozi |
ribo |
currant (black, red) |
rib |
ripo |
ridi |
laugh |
rid |
liberigi |
rigli |
bolt |
wriggle |
tordiĝi |
rimarki |
notice, observe |
remark |
diri, komenti |
rimedo |
resource, means |
remedy |
kuracilo; plibonigi |
rompi |
break |
romp |
kaprioli, petoli |
roso |
dew |
rose |
rozo |
rostro |
trunk of elephant |
rostrum |
tribuno |
rui |
ret, steep (e.g. flax) |
rue (regret) |
bedaŭri |
ruto |
rue (shrubby plant) |
root (of plant) |
radiko |
sago |
arrow |
sage |
saĝulo; salvio |
sapo |
soap |
sap |
suko |
seli |
saddle |
sell |
vendi |
servico |
set of crockery |
service |
servado, priservado |
simpatia |
likeable, congenial |
sympathetic |
kompatema |
sino |
lap, bosom |
sin |
peko |
sito |
nuthatch |
site |
loko; situo |
sojlo |
threshold; sill |
soil |
grundo; malpurigi |
sorto |
fate, destiny, lot |
sort |
speco; specigi, klasifiki |
spado |
rapier |
spade |
fosilo; piko (card) |
spiti |
defy |
spit (saliva etc) |
kraĉi |
stable |
stablo? |
workbench, easel |
stalo (animal shed, stall)) |
standardo |
official flag, ensign |
standard |
normo; nivelo; grado |
stuff (chicken) |
stufi? |
braise, stew |
farĉi (turkey); ŝtopi (hole) |
tax (levy) |
taksi? |
estimate, value |
imposti |
tent |
tento? |
temptation |
tendo |
tin |
tino? |
tub, vat |
stano; (lad)skatolo |
toll |
tolo? |
woven sheeting (linen, cotton etc) |
imposto, pago; mortsumo |
trivial |
triviala? |
vulgar |
bagatela |
vat |
vato? |
cotton wool |
kuvo |
vice |
vico? |
row; turn |
malvirto |
vile |
vila? |
hairy |
abomena, fia |
vulgar |
vulgara? |
common, everyday |
triviala |
wolf |
vulpo? |
fox |
lupo |
whale |
baleen, whalebone |
barto |